How It All Works

Contract/title request received.

File sent to pre-processing and
the title search is ordered.
the title search is ordered.

Processor receives the file and sends out welcome emails to gather information.

Examine/review title and clear any issues/encumbrances (also known as liens/clouds).

Title commitment prepared and
sent to lender.
sent to lender.

Schedule closing.

Title company coordinates with the lender to prepare the settlement statement.

Settlement statement sent to parties and funds needed for settlement are wired.

Settlement occurs and all parties
execute documents.
execute documents.

Disburse funds and file documents with land records. Original documents sent back to Pinnacle Title within 2-8 weeks depending on jurisdiction.

Once original documents are received, Pinnacle Title will prepare and issue the final title policies.

Pinnacle Title will confirm all
releases are filed and title is clear.
releases are filed and title is clear.

File reviewed by attorney to make sure any outstanding issues have been resolved.

Documents imaged and saved.