The Pinnacle Solution
Whether you’re buying, selling or refinancing, we want to help. Need guidance on the steps involved in buying, selling or refinancing? Confused about the terms lenders and agents use? Not sure of what’s required before you purchase, sell or refinance a property? We can help.
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Process Flowchart
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Buyer To Do List
As a buyer, you need to make sure you’ve completed certain forms and documents and met appropriate requirements.
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Seller To Do List
As a seller, you need to make sure you’ve completed certain forms and documents and met appropriate requirements.
Recommendations & Requirements

Home Inspection:
Whether you are buying a new home or a previously owned home, you should hire a home inspection company to inspect the entire house. While an inspection is not a guarantee that the home is and will remain in perfect condition, it can save you thousands of dollars in repairs.

After the sales contract is signed, many lenders will require a termite inspection to make sure the property is free of termites or other wood destroying insects or pests. You will need to send the detailed report from the pest inspection company to Pinnacle Title.

You will need to have homeowners/hazard insurance to insure your home, its contents and personal liability. You should arrange to obtain the insurance at least 7 days prior to your scheduled settlement. Your lender will require you to provide evidence that the insurance is in effect prior to settlement.

If you are purchasing a single family home or townhouse, a house location drawing or boundary may be required by the lender. We strongly encourage you to consider having a survey performed even if your lender doesn’t require one. Pinnacle Title can help you order the survey and advise you as to which type is most appropriate for your situation.

Home Warranty:
An annual service contract that covers the repair or replacement of important appliances and systems components that may break down over time, such as HVAC, water heater, refrigerator, etc. Homeowners only have to pay a deductible at the time of service. Popular warranty companies include: HMS, AHS, 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty.